When he’s not making dreamy electronic soundscapes whilst on writing trips to London, Melbourne-based Mark Zito, aka Fractures, loves to immerse himself in some of his city’s favourite bars. He talks to The Write Drop about where he loves to hang out and soak up the atmosphere.
His latest album Shift sees him take on electronica with a newfound cinematic vision; swapping his folk roots for a beat-induced romance this time around. It’s a new sound for Zito, who is leaning into a new genre with gusto.
Why Melbourne
It ticks so many boxes and it’s nice knowing if I want to eat well, yell at world-class athletes, nod my head to amazing musicians of whatever genre, buy clothes to fool people into thinking I’m up-to-date – then I can. That’s what I love most.
Food Memory
Eating at my Dad’s cousin’s restaurant De Gustibus in Palmi, Calabria, Italy – the town where my brother was born. Connecting with family roots is always an eye-opening experience, but when it extends to eating one of the best meals of your life then it really is indelible.
Melbourne Food
Cam’s Kiosk in Abbotsford – the entire menu does the trick. The slow cooked goat is not a meal I’d usually reach for, but I’m very glad I did.
Drink of Choice
I enjoy beer and like it crisp so give me a lager or a pilsner. As long as it doesn’t taste like potpourri! I’m a simple man. Spring and summer afternoons make most bars very palatable. Hope St Radio in Collingwood and Runner Up Rooftop Bar in Collingwood is great, Wax Flower in Brunswick is a new favourite, or Music Room HER Melbourne on Lonsdale Street for a same, but different vibe.
Best Hangover Cure
Give me salt in vast quantities. Put salted butter on bread, scramble an egg and salt it. Uncle Drew’s in Clifton Hill always scratched that itch to perfection.
Fave Overseas Bar
I’ve spent a bit more time in London these last two years and ended up at the Cat + Mutton in Hackney. It’s adjacent to London Fields and has an infectious vibe.
Fave Destination
Let’s talk London again. It’s been a happy hunting ground where I have spent the better part of five months doing the music thing. The Barbican Centre is a favourite spot. Architecturally fascinating – just a big and unapologetically brutalist complex that feels otherworldly. Like the setting for a dystopian movie, but for whatever reason that’s the appeal. I drank lagers and enjoyed my first lager tops – a pint with a dash of lemonade mixed in at the end of the pour, not to be confused with the half-half mix of a shandy. A common mistake which I definitely made. I’ll go back to pick up where I left off; making music, drinking amber fluids and getting to know the city.
A Drink That Describes Your Personality
Tap water is probably most apt but for the sake of keeping this interesting, maybe a White Russian. My love of milk and cream and all things gooey is in there, and they can be subtle sometimes and sneak up on you slowly, and you might find that you want another sip, and then another. And then you have too much and you feel sick and want nothing to do with it. Yeah, that works.
Drink Recently Discovered
I recently visited Vinyl Bar in Bergen, Norway and enjoyed a musically themed cocktail called ‘Fresh Cream’. Kind of a bastardised Pina Colada minus the pineapple.
Winery We Should Visit
Polperro in Red Hill. The set up feels intimate, even though the vineyard and scenery is expansive. The food is fantastic.
Next Destination
Pizzeria Magma on St George’s Road, North Fitzroy. I’m still yet to find a pizza I enjoy more than Rita’s [in Abbotsford] but I’m not willing to give up trying.